Brant Beach Bulletin – October 11th, 2024

Brant Beach Bulletin
October 11, 2024

This issue covers this weekend’s local events and the topics from the recent Commissioners’ Meeting.

A Boating Safety Refresher and BBTA Social will be held at the BBYC Sailing Center at 10am on Saturday, October 12. The speaker is Captain Ed Boyle of Whether or not you’re a boater, come greet your neighbors and enjoy refreshments. This event is only open to BBTA and BBYC members. No registration is required, but occupancy is limited to 85.

Shellabration will be held from 11am-4pm on Saturday, October 12 at the 68th Street municipal building. This annual Oyster Festival highlights the shell recycling program, a partnership with the Jetty Rock Foundation, and features food, beverages, kids’ activities such as a bounce house and live music from 12-3pm.

The LBI International Kite Festival runs on Oct 11-12 in Ship Bottom, with a Night Fly from 6:30-8:30pm on Saturday, October 12 here at the 68th Street beach.

Household Hazardous Waste Collection is 9am-3pm on Saturday, October 12 at the LBT Department of Public Works at 7910 Long Beach Boulevard. Advance registration is required; click here. Bring proof of Ocean County residency.

Commissioners’ Meeting

Representatives from the Brant Beach Taxpayers Association including Pete Potochney, Mike F, Donn O’Brien, Janis Metz, and Ben Tonti attended the October 7 Long Beach Township Commissioners’ Meeting.

Traffic Lights Blinking: The County will turn the main Boulevard traffic lights off or to set them to blinking on Tuesday, October 15, after the Kite Festival and holiday weekend are over. The speed limit has already been increased for the off-season. However, the speed limit on Ocean Boulevard will remain at 15mph.

Beach Replenishment has begun in Holgate, followed by Loveladies and Harvey Cedars. Available funding was not sufficient for replenishing all LBI beaches so the effort had to prioritize the Island’s worst beaches. However, the Township will continue to address our erosion hotspots and is seeking additional replenishment funding.

Dune Walkover Roll-Ups must be removed by oceanfront homeowners by November 2.

Boat Flare Drop Off Day is Saturday, October 19 from 9 am-12 pm at the Ocean County Fire Academy at 200 Volunteer Way in Waretown. You must register here in advance to participate.

Columbus Day Township Closure: All offices in the municipal building at 68th Street will be closed on Monday, October 14.

Gas-Powered Blowers are prohibited on weekends and holidays, and on weekdays before 9am or after 4pm. Commissioner Meehan asked that you report violations, including the time, location, and name of the landscaping company, to him by telephone at 609-361-6668 or by email to

LBI Shuttle: Praising this service as “very successful,” Commissioner Lattanzi announced the purchase of two new buses, in preparation for next year.

Shredding Day is Saturday October 19 from 9am-12pm or until the truck is full at 10th Street & Shore Avenue in Ship Bottom. This service is provided by Ocean County and is free to all Ocean County property owners. Preregistration is not required. Click here for a list of what will be accepted.

Township Building Projects: As a cost saving measure, Township personnel rather than outside contractors will be used to rebuild the lifeguard building, re-side the municipal building, construct a pole building for the lifeguard stands, and replace the water mains at 14th , 44th, and 50th Streets in Brant Beach.

Recognition: The Township, by proclamation, recognized LBT Beach Patrol members Bernie Rutkowski, Taylor Teliszewski and Matthew Kustrup, whose combined efforts saved a swimmer in distress during the annual Triatholon in September.


Proposed On First Reading: First reading ordinances are available by visiting, emailing or telephoning the Township. They are no longer available on the LBT website.


Passed On Second Reading:

    • 24-28C Increases the allowable impervious lot coverage from 60% to 75% of any building lot, excluding the set-back area. However, on oceanfront lots, the 75% is calculated only on land west of the oceanside building line.This ordinance also restricts lots of any size to have only one curb cut up to 27 feet. Corner lots may have one curb cut per street, but totaling no more than 30 feet. Currently, lots with road frontage of 50 feet or less can have a 20-foot curb cut, and lots over 50 feet can utilize 40% for curb cuts.
    • 24-27C Clarifies the required building elevations within high-risk flood zones including VE-13 and less. Also specifies requirements for building on or near dunes.

Thank you for being a part of the

Brant Beach Taxpayers Association