Brant Beach Bulletin
November 8th, 2024
This issue covers the next event in BBTA’s new Winter Speaker Series, local election results and the recent Township Commissioners’ Meeting.
❖ ReClam the Bay will speak to BBTA and BBYC members at 10am on Saturday, December 14 at the Brant Beach Yacht Club Sailing Center at 6106 Bayview Avenue. Our speaker will be the organization’s president, Bill Walsh, of North Beach.
The first thirty minutes will feature refreshments and socializing with your neighbors, followed by a one-hour presentation about ReClam the Bay. Attendees may view the upweller hosted by the Brant Beach Yacht Club. This event is open only to BBTA and BBYC members. No registration is required. Families are welcome.
❖ Township elections results returned Mayor Joseph Mancini and Commissioners Joseph Lattanzi and Alexander Meehan to serve four-year terms. The election was uncontested.
Long Beach Township is a Walsh Act municipality, with three members that serve concurrent four-year terms. The three commissioners then elect one commissioner as mayor and chair of the commission.
Mayor Mancini took office in 2008 and is the Commissioner of Public Affairs and Safety. Commissioner Lattanzi, appointed in 2011 and elected in 2012, oversees Revenue and Finance. Commissioner Meehan, appointed in 2023 and elected this year, oversees Public Works, including water and sewer.
❖ Fire Ban All outdoor fires, including wood, charcoal, torches, fireworks, and fire pits, are banned statewide on public and private property due to the current extreme fire risk.
❖ Dune Grass is available for pickup at the Public Works Yard on 79th Street in Beach Haven Crest. Hours are Monday to Friday from 8am to 2:30pm.
❖ Veterans Day Homage for our local LBI veterans will be held on Monday, November 11th at 12pm in Veterans Park at E. 133rd Street/Delaware Avenue. Refreshments will be served.
Representatives from the Brant Beach Taxpayers Association including Pete Potochney, Mike Fahner, Georgia Glasser, Janis Metz, Donn O’Brien and Ben Tonti attended the November 4 Long Beach Township Commissioners’ Meeting.
❖ Beach Replenishment is on schedule. Work in Beach Haven is expected to be completed next week, followed by Holgate and Loveladies. Sufficient funding was not available for all LBI beaches, and because our beaches are in better shape than others, Brant Beach is not included in this effort.
❖ LBT Passed Its Audit: Every year, the State requires all municipalities to complete the NJ Best Practices Checklist to assess their adherence to standards set for 69 areas of financial management. The submission was prepared by LBT’s Chief Financial Officer Erica Nicholes. The Township has met the established percentage of checklist items and will receive its total final state aid payment.
❖ Proposed On First Reading: First reading ordinances are available by visiting, emailing or telephoning the Township. They are no longer available on the LBT website.
24-29C: Amends the false alarm regulations and penalties by establishing the first offense as a warning. Accordingly, penalties for subsequent false alarms would commence with the first occurrence after the initial warning.
❖ Passed On Second Reading:
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Brant Beach Taxpayers Association