Brant Beach Bulletin – June 8th, 2024

Brant Beach Bulletin
June 8, 2024

Please attend our meeting at 9am on Saturday, June 15 at the Municipal Complex. Speakers will include Commissioner Alexander Meehan and Police Captain James Hartmann.

Representatives from the Brant Beach Taxpayers Association including President Pete Potochney, John Fiore, Georgia Glasser, Donn O’Brien, Janis Metz, and Ben Tonti attended the June 3 Long Beach Township Commissioner’s Meeting.

Beach Replenishment on LBI: The request for bids went out last month, but the proposals received were about $5M over the estimate and available funds. It is not clear how long it will take for resolution through additional funding and/or changes in the scope of the project.

EMTs On Board: Congratulations to the eight new emergency medical technicians who have officially started their duties as part of the Beach Haven Volunteer First Aid Squad, thanks to a partnership between Long Beach Township and the First Aid Squad. This is the squad that serves Brant Beach.

Traffic Safety: Mayor Mancini expressed concerns about safety issues throughout the meeting. He advised that, starting immediately, the police will enforce the “Stay Right” law and police will ticket drivers failing to stop at red lights. By now, everyone is aware that most of the speed limits in LBT are set at 35 mph (15–20 mph on some streets in the southern half of the island), but nonetheless, Mayor Mancini advised people to be mindful of the change. “Slow down,” the mayor advised.

LBT Logo: The winning design for the new Long Beach Township logo was unveiled at the Township’s 125th anniversary celebration on May 25. LBT Business Administrator Kyle Ominski reported that the new logo will be displayed soon at

Traffic and Bicycles: Mayor Mancini reminded all that the state law requires drivers to be four feet away from a bike when they are driving past the cyclist. “Be careful and move over,” the mayor advised.

Shuttle Buses: Commissioner Lattanzi reported the shuttles are running smoothly. Through Sunday, June 23, they will be running on Fridays from 4pm–12am, Saturdays from 3pm–12am and Sundays from 3– 9pm. Beginning Monday, June 24, through Labor Day, September 2, buses will run Sunday–Thursday from 3–11pm and Friday and Saturday from 3pm–12am. The cost is $5 per ride; children 12 and under are free when accompanied by an adult. More information and the link to the shuttle bus tracker can be found at


Proposed On First Reading: First reading ordinances are no longer available for inspection on the LBT website.

  • 24-16C Authorizes the addition of two stop signs on bayside streets near the Acme.
  • 24-14C Required by the state, this ordinance clarifies how salt and other de-icing materials used by residents on roads, driveways and sidewalks must be stored to prevent exposure to stormwater.
  • 24-15C Also required by the state, this ordinance establishes the revised and required regulations around stormwater control. It establishes minimum stormwater management protocols and specific controls for major development.
  • 24-17C Establishes a fund for the purpose of self-funding insurance benefits, including health benefits, for Township employees and their dependents. Mayor Mancini stated that the new employee health plan is less expensive than the former plan.

Passed On Second Reading:

  • 24-13C This ordinance makes minor changes to an ordinance concerning applying for a business license passed on second reading in March 2024 . The changes clarify the connection to other sections in the Township Code.

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Brant Beach Taxpayers Association